Novels ~ Short Stories ~ WIPs


Crimson Oppression

A girl with no family leaves the only home she’s known to protect herself from a new bloody addiction, only to find that she needs to protect someone else from the very thing she’s running from…

A boy with the worst case of deadly accidents behind him unknowingly faces a Virus… and a girl who shows up out of nowhere and throws his whole sense of reality out of whack as he tries to rebuild his broken family.

Cisandra feels a responsibility to help Owen… even if helping him could mean the end of both of them.

A Virus fatally plagues them both in different ways, proving that blood isn’t redder on either side.

Short Stories

The Guardian – A Short Story

What happens when you’re responsible for ushering souls to the afterlife? Shannon, the new Guardian of Souls, is about to find out.

Discover the dark and the light in this short story about a reaper torn between the living and the dead.

Thirst – A Short Story Prequel

A terrible accident. An incredible loss. And doctors who don’t understand their disease.

Young Sandra Doyle faces off against the medics and doctors working to save her brother after a deadly accident on the highway. She knows something they don’t, but they think they know better… and Cillian’s life is on the line.

Get more of Crimson Oppression‘s female protagonist’s back story in this short prequel!

Blue Hour Shadows – A Short Story Prequel

The rebellious orphan Thora can’t wait to go trick-or-treating… But the young girl, who feels shadows watching her even on normal days, can’t possibly imagine what the blue hour has in store for her when she wanders away from her foster family on Halloween night.

A prequel to upcoming novel, Alpenglow.

Works in Progress

Below you can see the mock-up covers of what’s to come from Mikael Short and Something Write!

To read more about the books in progress, check out the WIP page here.