are you afraid of the dark?

I’m not one to be scared of the dark.

If I know my surroundings, I know there’s nothing to fear. Even if I stand in an unknown black room, it would take someone jumping out and grabbing me to make my heart race.

At night, I’m comforted by the subtle light stemming from either the stars or moon peeking in through my window blinds. The gentle hum of the wind, the ever-present song of crickets, perhaps the snoring emanating through the walls… it’s all comforting.

So there’s no need to be afraid of the dark.

It’s when the dark and the silence become as one to make a tomb that scares me. The feeling of not knowing why it’s so quiet, the feeling of wondering what’s hiding, what is lurking just waiting to pounce.

And with a switch of the light, everything’s illuminated.

See? There’s nothing to be afraid of.

The unerring darkness could have been from a new moon or cloud cover. Silence is simply the sound of night.

So really–there’s nothing to be afraid of.

I turn on some soft piano music and pray certain instincts will quiet.

The music soothes my soul and lulls me to sleep while I continually remind myself…

That there’s no reason to be afraid of the dark.