between you and me

you’re all i think about
everything i dream about
all my heart beats for
everything in my eyes
can you see it all
because i do

that stupid grin on my face
the constant playing with hair
the little happy dance i do
the recurring glance to my phone
the waiting for what you say
the potential of the future
between you and me

within me

candlelight flickering
a shadow in passing
dreams in the background

of cohorts and enemies
of a dream within a dream
nothing ever makes a sound

if there’s ever protection
from my own reflection
or a chance to stay around

Meant To Be

You see that there?
That’s my dream.

Wanna know how I know?
I can feel through me.
Just seeing it there
makes tears swell
in my eyes without fail
because it’s like my heart knows
that’s what I’m meant to do…
what I’m meant to be.

Now look over there…
That’s something I love.
Not something I feel deep down,
but it’s still wonderful.
Does it draw a tear? No.
Is it fun and relieving?
You bet your bottom…
But that’s not a true dream.

Now you see it,
but not yet
I don’t.