the end of the month

the end of the month
comes and goes
often so quickly
with so much to do
why does everything
hit in those final days
before a new month
a new chance begins
time to re-evaluate
time to reflect
time to anticipate
what’s to come
how will the next month
differ or stay similar
what can i work on
to make this month better
and how can i make it
one i can remember

pour me another

time with the big man
laughing over stupid movies
paying and watching screens
hoping to win and yet
knowing that we’ve already won

throwing things on the grill
playing with the dogs
downing wine in the pool
doesn’t have to be the strip
to enjoy Las Vegas living

a good day spent with dad
doesn’t happen often
because of the distance
so pour me another glass
and let this all sink in

father’s face

the claws drag across the pristine
too fast, far too fast

hold it close, don’t let it go
though an expiration lies ahead
grip it with everything, all you have
since most souls forget and don’t
he won’t slow down, but he knows

when something is new, make it last
he only helps a little lengthening is all
but all too soon, it’s flashes by instead
no rewind, but somehow a fast-forward
always going by too fast

you wish the hands would stop the circle
slow it all, slower