keep on

Keeping the faith

in yourself

in what you say

in what you write

in your art

and in everything

you do and are

is the quickest path

to seeing your dreams


brought on by dreams

snatches of dreams
playing throughout the night
roused, roll over, get comfy again
try to sink back into
the movies in my mind
the strange, the lessons,
the unnerving, the haunted,
the loving, the sensations,
seeing those of years past
or those you only see on screens
like real screens
not the movie in your mind

why do they feel so real?
more real sometimes than when awake
dancing through the ether
tangling with neurons
magnifying feelings and emotions
perhaps entering a new reality entirely

what is it about dreams
that makes me yearn to see what comes next when,
when awake, the future feels so scary
the unknown is exciting there
i wish the unknown was as exciting here
when awake, with eyes wide open.
though with eyes closed…
you see more
more than life
more scenarios than imaginable
yet it is imaginable since they appear
in dreams

are they supposed to be wisdom?
what if’s and how to’s?
an amalgamation of feelings
and lessons that have come to pass
having become fully integrated
into our very being?
is that what dreams reflect?

i love being awake,
yet i also love the stories
brought on by dreams
let me sleep a little longer
so that i might see
what comes next

dreams of missing

rehearsing in a space too small
at too steep of an incline
with too many rows of chairs
getting angry with my double
for never being around
playing with the children
as though my best friends

shift to living in a new house
where my sister is making coffee
only I’m the only one to see
baffled because she’s not here
my parents coming home from flights
while I’m planning my own…
a $200 round trip ticket to Europe

deciding to spend the three day weekend
in London to surprise my best friend
getting confused and saying Italy instead
because another friend is there
nearly missing my plane by a half hour
arriving in London and asking for Italy guides,
Euros, and then realizing my error
finding a place to stay
but seeing my friend only once

then slowly drifting awake
wondering why my mind is so weird
that I must dream so vividly
of missing people and missing places

let me fly

why do dreams like to flaunt
bobbing around in your face
daring you to take a swipe
but you think you won’t strike

why do dreams like taunt
with sparkling diamonds and dust
begging to be taken into your hand
so you can travel to unseen lands

why do dreams make you cry
when you try to attain them
when you feel like there’s only so much
you can do to make everything just

why do dreams make you smile
hoping with every little fiber in yourself
that they will someday find their way
straight to you so you don’t stray

why can’t those dreams be true
all on their own without any help
so all the pain you go through in trying
won’t end up in failing but instead flying

dream works

Another day has come and gone
Before I fall into slumber
Curtains pull across my eyes and
Dreams take over from there
Every night, each dream is different
Far from reality, each one is…
Giving me hope that life can be better
Hiding in my mind
I search for each dreams meaning,
Just hoping there’s something more to them.
Kindling my heart, I
Let each dream be apart of me
My heart and dreams have a fine line between them
Never have I dreamt of something I didn’t want at least a little.
Only that of which my heart desires.
Picky, though I may be… I lay under a
Quilt and dream until dawn.
Remembering the dreams can be difficult
So sometimes I forget those I love most.
The night is only so long…
Under the twinkling stars and bright moon
Vanity plays no part in my dreams
Whatever others may think…
Xylophone plays the lullabies…
Yet the real night has not yet begun…
… Zzz … zzz …

That Harsh Reality

It is a feeling I know well–
Like I should be doing more
To pursue certain aspirations.
Watching my good friend,
Sitting in front of a crowd
And strumming and singing away
Always inspires me…
Makes me want to rush home,
Press or pluck a tune
Or pen some lyrics
But then there’s that stupid reality
That says dreams like mine,
Performing for the world,
Happen once in a blue moon
And only if circumstances are right.
It’s kind of a harsh reality
But I guess it’s better to realize
It all now and pursue a living
While I pursue my passion
On the side whenever I can.
If only there were time to do it all…

missing dreams

wake up wanting
trying to taste
what was there
clinging to fragments
unknown, unseen
remember to reminisce
but nothing’s there
sunlight chases away
dream-catchers fail
clouds run over
a complete mask
images slip away
forgetting a heart
leaving stories behind
never to return
needing some closure

something funny about dreams

Alarm blares you awake,
your eyes struggle to open.
What was that dream again?
A lion, a tiger and a bear
chasing you through a white house
that you’ve seen in dreams twice before
so you know where to escape…
No, that was the night before.
Wasn’t it?
Oh, yes… that guy was there,
the one who hasn’t been present
in my dreams for a long time,
with me holding my hand.
But then wait…
I distinctly remember something,
something funny like
a large white hammer.
Perhaps a carnival,
or a performance where my feet
or my words are forgotten
if I remember to show up at all.
Now I’m just lost.
What do they mean?
Are they meant to show
something fake or real?
So bizarre, dreams are.

Meant To Be

You see that there?
That’s my dream.

Wanna know how I know?
I can feel through me.
Just seeing it there
makes tears swell
in my eyes without fail
because it’s like my heart knows
that’s what I’m meant to do…
what I’m meant to be.

Now look over there…
That’s something I love.
Not something I feel deep down,
but it’s still wonderful.
Does it draw a tear? No.
Is it fun and relieving?
You bet your bottom…
But that’s not a true dream.

Now you see it,
but not yet
I don’t.