let me fly

why do dreams like to flaunt
bobbing around in your face
daring you to take a swipe
but you think you won’t strike

why do dreams like taunt
with sparkling diamonds and dust
begging to be taken into your hand
so you can travel to unseen lands

why do dreams make you cry
when you try to attain them
when you feel like there’s only so much
you can do to make everything just

why do dreams make you smile
hoping with every little fiber in yourself
that they will someday find their way
straight to you so you don’t stray

why can’t those dreams be true
all on their own without any help
so all the pain you go through in trying
won’t end up in failing but instead flying

the edge off

a piece of flesh
making mine crawl
ache for touch
burn in anxiety
sound in sensation
to bring it all back
and want more
always wanting more

a basic carnal need

lips and arms entwine
leaving nothing
to the imagination
sighs bring shivers
poised to inhale
take the edge off
and break the noise
break every cry

aching melody

the soft wail of a saxophone
drifts through your ears
and into the soul
makes your chest swell
much like the player’s
art and own heart
a tune to tear
through the lungs
make salt sting cheeks
in every note
a melody to memorize
some dissonance unheard
for the ears of those
who bear to listen

the way to win

some will win
that’s the way
things tend to be
hard work can pay off
or luck plays in

some will lose
it can hurt
but also reveal
what can be fixed
or even who

some were born
to sing the blues
or born to cry
all the praise
through any storm

tiptoe on glass

stepping ever so gently
trying to not crack
the pristine reflection
a marred vision
and blurry hallucination
just a peek
and it can crumble
don’t let the tears
race down your cheek
to drip onto the sight
what you see
a moving picture
complete with flowers
and something like a hearse
to carry you away
a little too much weight
and you see a flaw
fake a smile
watch it crack
toe to heel
heel to toe
slowly ever you go