all it takes

walking down the street
after spilling my coffee

all over me
all it takes is a smile
for me to forget
trying to make it through
just one more day here
all the same
all it takes is a smile
and i remember
why i came
all it takes is a smile
one smile from a stranger
to brighten one moment
and perhaps a day

Turning Christmas

Snow falls all around
Windows all aglow

Smells of pine and gingerbread
Swirl inside my head

I can feel it in the air
It’s turning Christmas everywhere

People hug and children dream
of gifts beneath the tree

Making angels in the snow
With friends who won’t let go

Praying for those that we can’t see
Holding tight to family

Around the fire we all stand
heart in heart, hand in hand

You can feel it in the air
It’s turning Christmas everywhere


So there are the lyrics for my Christmas song so far… the music is done up to that point pretty much… now I feel like it needs a bridge to vary it up and I haven’t figured it out yet. If anyone has any suggestions, I’m open to it! 😉

Thanks for reading and happy holidays!

not my hands

these aren’t my hands
i see them
they try to do my bidding
but they aren’t mine
fingers plucking hesitantly
at strings i can’t see
strings begging me to strum
my own tunes
not someone else’s hands
interpreting my story
i want to shove them away
take over from here
they play scared like puppies
hesitancy won’t finish
the song i’m singing
get your hands off
they’re not to trust
i see mine
they’re taking over
strumming a tune
you couldn’t play

a distorted sound

a voice sounds different
to anyone but none so much
as the one behind it

no one song is the same
to any different life
experience changes internal

what could sound strange
may come across as beautiful
that which is distorted
may be quite exquisite

I Still Love You

I know I’ve made some dumb decisions
In the past.
I used to think there was no way for us
To last.
The time we had together was amazing
Though apart.
The moments that took you away are the ones
That broke my heart.

But baby, I still love you
More than I can say
I still love you
Even though I went astray
You’re still on my mind
More than half the time
And I still love you…
Do you still feel that way?

Gonna be a song! 🙂

a special song

The song begins–
a gentle hum of violins–
and wings unfold inside.
A heart ready to take flight,
a voice yearning to carry it
through clouds of melody
and winds of harmony
to a place where music can heal
every crack and fault one can feel.
A voice weaves it’s way through,
binding the soul and freeing it, too.
Vibrato sends comfort in ripples
and the lyrics beautiful yet simple.
A song to take away everything
and give so much more than anything.

bittersweet farewell

a new horizon
a beautiful pasture behind
a bittersweet farewell
leaving something good
for something good
not something bad
for something good
that’s not bittersweet
what is bittersweet
saying goodbye to a love
for another love
a more powerful love
so… to quote a song:

goodbye may seem forever
farewell is like the end
but in my heart’s a memory
and there you’ll always be*

*”Goodbye May Seem Forever” from Disney’s Fox and the Hound.

My Obsession Song

Don’t forget me
cuz I’m going down
bleeding love
for a thousand years
wish you were here

gotta have roots before branches
tomorrow will be kinder
so why does it rain down on utopia

i will never be the same without you
the one that got away
cuz history is made at night
paint it black
just a little bit stronger

Kind of a sequel to my soundtrack for you but with songs I’m currently obsessed with.  It might be cool to start a series of these poems made with song titles/recognizable lyrics… thoughts?

It’s My Time

I have settled for too long
Why I didn’t reach, I’m not sure
My heart longs for something more
Yet everything just seems to fall short

My head has overpowered my heart
But now it’s my turn to decide

It’s my turn to take the world by storm
It’s my time to make my dreams real
It’s my dream to live my life my way
It’s my time for me to live

I’ve always wanted so much more
Doubt just seems to always fill me
That won’t get me anywhere
Now I see what I could find

My dreams have taken me away
But now it’s my turn to fly

It’s my turn to take the world by storm
It’s my dream to make all things right
It’s my time to open my eyes and see
That my time’s come for me to live

My heart’s on my sleeve
For the first time in my life
Second best isn’t good enough
But being myself is better

It’s my turn to take the world by storm
It’s my dream to make a brand new world
It’s my time to break all bounds and be
In my time and living free

It’s my time

This is one of my songs that I intend on re-recording in the not-so-distant future. It needs a revamp. So how I’m feeling though.

the candle’s song

When you light a candle,
don’t turn the lights off.
Let it burn, let it dance,
let it glow, let it whisper.

And don’t touch it.

When you listen to the candle,
don’t ignore the crackles.
Hum along, whistle soft,
then sing it over and over again.

And don’t let it end.