Just Once

I hate the rain
And always have
The way the chill settles
Thickly in the air
The way the raindrops
Become needles on my skin
Poking and prodding me
Into a horrible submission…

I hate the clouds that
Come with the rain
The way they block the sun
From lighting my face
The way gloom swarms from
The darkened world
Holding and suppressing
Anything that brings a smile…

I hate how the clouds
Rumble together at night
The way tears of angels fall
From the shielded skies
The way they soak us through
Clinging to our clothes
Freezing and tugging down
Yet somehow soothing and soft…

Dropping the brolly,
We hold each other close
And for one fleeting instant
I love the rain

Taken from my Cambridge days

the perfect stage

an expanse of crystal clear
a shade so easy on the eyes
like a caribbean sea or
land-locked fresh water
white distorted pillows
hanging from strings held
by a grand puppeteer
deflecting the shine of gold
leaving straight trails
through the endless dome
different shades of crystal
amber and rose
the perfect setting for a play
where a son rises and falls
is lifted into the stars
and into a brand new day

where’s the rain?

The clouds have rolled in
Grey and dark
Lingering above my head
I’m not afraid of the downpour
that is sure to happen.

Though I expect the rain to fall,
Nothing breaks through to the earth
From the looming clouds

So where’s the rain?
Why doesn’t it fall like it should?
It’s supposed to follow the clouds
That mask the beautiful blue skies…

Where’s the rain?

missing dreams

wake up wanting
trying to taste
what was there
clinging to fragments
unknown, unseen
remember to reminisce
but nothing’s there
sunlight chases away
dream-catchers fail
clouds run over
a complete mask
images slip away
forgetting a heart
leaving stories behind
never to return
needing some closure