brought on by dreams

snatches of dreams
playing throughout the night
roused, roll over, get comfy again
try to sink back into
the movies in my mind
the strange, the lessons,
the unnerving, the haunted,
the loving, the sensations,
seeing those of years past
or those you only see on screens
like real screens
not the movie in your mind

why do they feel so real?
more real sometimes than when awake
dancing through the ether
tangling with neurons
magnifying feelings and emotions
perhaps entering a new reality entirely

what is it about dreams
that makes me yearn to see what comes next when,
when awake, the future feels so scary
the unknown is exciting there
i wish the unknown was as exciting here
when awake, with eyes wide open.
though with eyes closed…
you see more
more than life
more scenarios than imaginable
yet it is imaginable since they appear
in dreams

are they supposed to be wisdom?
what if’s and how to’s?
an amalgamation of feelings
and lessons that have come to pass
having become fully integrated
into our very being?
is that what dreams reflect?

i love being awake,
yet i also love the stories
brought on by dreams
let me sleep a little longer
so that i might see
what comes next