No One Waiting

Here’s your cut.
See you in Mexico.

Dust had gathered
on top of this box
for so many years.
How long had
all this money
been waiting here?

My fingers slip
over the stack…
hundreds upon hundreds.
It had been a running
joke among family
that dad swindled the feds.

My father, did he
have an accomplice–
someone he left this for?
I’m the only one
left who’s around
so my heart turns sore.

They hunted us down
one by every single one
but I’m the one to survive.
This house – not a home –
holds many secrets
even after they died.

I returned only
to find the will
and yet here’s a note
with this money,
unused and forgotten,
because this is what I know…

There’s no one waiting in Mexico.