aim high

tossing and turning
over something past
staring up at blank skies
wondering where the stars
have gone into hiding
wondering why no smiles
greet you in the morning
to say a new day has come
embrace it with all you’ve got
since the sun holds onto you
carrying you through
even one day more
though there’s no spotlight
only the natural one
you should aim for
every day

dreams of missing

rehearsing in a space too small
at too steep of an incline
with too many rows of chairs
getting angry with my double
for never being around
playing with the children
as though my best friends

shift to living in a new house
where my sister is making coffee
only I’m the only one to see
baffled because she’s not here
my parents coming home from flights
while I’m planning my own…
a $200 round trip ticket to Europe

deciding to spend the three day weekend
in London to surprise my best friend
getting confused and saying Italy instead
because another friend is there
nearly missing my plane by a half hour
arriving in London and asking for Italy guides,
Euros, and then realizing my error
finding a place to stay
but seeing my friend only once

then slowly drifting awake
wondering why my mind is so weird
that I must dream so vividly
of missing people and missing places

the spark

where did it all go
the excitement of seeing
an idea of anticipation
begging fingers to scratch
an erratic racing heart
anticipation spewing over
getting lost inside a kiss
forgetting what’s around
and just being there
itching to feel yet
not letting it all in

is it lost in analysis
obscure in indifference
wandering in coulds
hoping to break dark
or conceal in light
is it gone forever
possibly warn out
so it doesn’t know
when to spark
all over again

sorely crucial

pull your arms up
behind your back
shoulders popping
muscles scream in protest
crook of the elbow
stealing pinches
of tendons, of nerves
roll it all out
just so it will stop
the pain, the hurting
hoping next time
the hurt won’t be
someplace so crucial

catch your breath

the moment your heart erratically expands
how your whole soul feels like it’s smiling
lost in a moment so utterly perfect
lost outside yourself yet never more inside
how hard it feels to breathe
to take something so crucial
so necessary yet divine
turn it so you can’t help but be blind
even if just for this moment of reflection
where you took a complete leap of faith
hoping that they will be waiting
to catch your breath

all you

tell me secrets
i’ll tell no lies
you show yours
and i’ll show mine
lay it all out there
scabs, bruises and lines

from days you love
to those you hate
where waking up
makes you irate
look in the mirror
looking back is space

too many folks lie
not enough speak true
everyone behind a mask
a different shade of blue
be strong to push it aside
owning up to be all you

let me fly

why do dreams like to flaunt
bobbing around in your face
daring you to take a swipe
but you think you won’t strike

why do dreams like taunt
with sparkling diamonds and dust
begging to be taken into your hand
so you can travel to unseen lands

why do dreams make you cry
when you try to attain them
when you feel like there’s only so much
you can do to make everything just

why do dreams make you smile
hoping with every little fiber in yourself
that they will someday find their way
straight to you so you don’t stray

why can’t those dreams be true
all on their own without any help
so all the pain you go through in trying
won’t end up in failing but instead flying

dance with me

heart throbbing in your throat
hands twitch in anticipation
someone’s rather jumpy

hope nibbles at lips
feet itching to dance
let’s start this party

mind loses itself in rhythm
body sways and rocks
dance with somebody

hips swing to the beat
eyes close in pleasure
stop everything and enjoy

dream works

Another day has come and gone
Before I fall into slumber
Curtains pull across my eyes and
Dreams take over from there
Every night, each dream is different
Far from reality, each one is…
Giving me hope that life can be better
Hiding in my mind
I search for each dreams meaning,
Just hoping there’s something more to them.
Kindling my heart, I
Let each dream be apart of me
My heart and dreams have a fine line between them
Never have I dreamt of something I didn’t want at least a little.
Only that of which my heart desires.
Picky, though I may be… I lay under a
Quilt and dream until dawn.
Remembering the dreams can be difficult
So sometimes I forget those I love most.
The night is only so long…
Under the twinkling stars and bright moon
Vanity plays no part in my dreams
Whatever others may think…
Xylophone plays the lullabies…
Yet the real night has not yet begun…
… Zzz … zzz …