just one

looking up at a starry night
millions of eyes stare back
an endless expanse ever
surrounding the world
the beauty of something
so magnificent really
stops me in my tracks

during the day, the sun is out
hiding the stars from sight
yet when the day is over
the evening star rises
the beginning of night
leaves me wanting to see
more stars in the skies

shining brightly through the night
one star will call to me
yet I don’t know which one
with so many looking down
someday, I know I’ll find out

if there are so many stars
up there in the heavens
why can’t I have just one
night only lasts so long
so I will wait forever
for just one star

in the way

Some say it’s pride
Some feel no pain
Some claim absolutely nothing
while some simply try

Ask the questions
but who knows
when or where
they may be
answered or heard

Take no prisoners
Give what you can
Chance everything
and cry for what’s not there

Step ever forward
even if a step
back is the only way
to go to find
what no one else can