screw salvation

there’s something i’ve thought a lot about lately…
a lot of people are God-fearing, trying to be “good”
in order to live in heaven or be with God again.
but my thought is this…
why worry about salvation in the afterlife
when you should be worrying about
how to save your own life by simply living it?

instead of looking to the future,
how about looking into your present
and seeing your passions,
learning how you can share them
for the betterment of yourself
and everyone else?

how about simply having an idea
of where you want to progress to
instead of being concerned
whether one choice will spoil your chances
at a pleasant post-earth existence?

i’d rather worry about today
than wonder if i will make it to heaven…
you never know when you’re last breath will be
and i’d rather spend it doing everything i can.
heck, i would like to come back
just in case i don’t learn everything i can
in this life.
who says you only get to live once?
and in case one chance is all you get,
why not live in the moment
rather than in what may or may not be?
because no one really knows what’s waiting for us…
so why even worry about it?

just a thought… anyways, being a demon may be more fun than being an angel anyway.
at least demons aren’t afraid to get their feet dirty, especially when it comes to passion.