the best kind

I love the world.
I love days.
I love nights.
I love stars and the universe.
I love my life.
That’s the best kind of love to be in. 

following feelings

You can’t deny what you feel
especially if it resonates
throughout your entire being,
filling everything from your toes
to the deep crevices in your heart.

The pinches in your gut
telling you something is wrong.

The warmth in your heart
when something is true,
when something is right.

The peace that comforts you
when you do something good.

Knowing that something will happen
even before it actually does.

Sometimes the best thing we can do
is to listen to what we feel.
To our hearts, to our intuition.
We often feel things for a reason,
whether it’s about a person, a thing,
a decision, a situation or place.
Some may be fleeting.
Others may nag at the back of your brain
until you finally give in
then wonder why you waited.

Might as well follow the feelings
while you have them.

you never know

a chance to have a day
to do what i want
whatever i want
to go where i please
wherever i please
to visit any time
any time that i wish

only the next day
i won’t remember any
to take the plunge
or to not
for what’s it worth
if not for memories
to take with me
a whole lifetime

but i’d still take it
it’s a chance to take
a chance
try something new
perhaps daring
or enlightening
see another time
a passed relative
a neat celebrity
sing on a stage
in front of thousands
or even a re-do moment

something you want
a day to do as you please
even if forgotten
still could be worth it
something to remind
of that forgotten day
will still stir within
maybe in the next life
it will come back to us
for if the mind forgets
the heart and soul still know
that something happened
even if they don’t know
what it was

you may be able to feel
but you never really know

A post for Kellie Elmore’s FWF.


did you know someone laughs
whenever you make plans?
don’t plan… just do
do the things you love most
spend time with those you do too
don’t answer to anyone but you
no matter how much you try
to plan ahead, plans can change
nothing is set in stone until it is done
and even then marks can be shunned
or even eroded from the stone
rather than planning set aside
those moments for you
for what you love
only then do you truly live

up to you

why wait for the right moment
jump in with haste

why plan every little detail
spontaneity pays

why skim over the beauty
savor every taste

why avoid anything you can face
roar like a lion

why be anyone other than you
because only you can

screw salvation

there’s something i’ve thought a lot about lately…
a lot of people are God-fearing, trying to be “good”
in order to live in heaven or be with God again.
but my thought is this…
why worry about salvation in the afterlife
when you should be worrying about
how to save your own life by simply living it?

instead of looking to the future,
how about looking into your present
and seeing your passions,
learning how you can share them
for the betterment of yourself
and everyone else?

how about simply having an idea
of where you want to progress to
instead of being concerned
whether one choice will spoil your chances
at a pleasant post-earth existence?

i’d rather worry about today
than wonder if i will make it to heaven…
you never know when you’re last breath will be
and i’d rather spend it doing everything i can.
heck, i would like to come back
just in case i don’t learn everything i can
in this life.
who says you only get to live once?
and in case one chance is all you get,
why not live in the moment
rather than in what may or may not be?
because no one really knows what’s waiting for us…
so why even worry about it?

just a thought… anyways, being a demon may be more fun than being an angel anyway.
at least demons aren’t afraid to get their feet dirty, especially when it comes to passion.


reach for something
progress even further
don’t settle
give it your all
even if you sometimes fall
get right back up
and try, try again
success is only in effort
if there’s no effort
then there’s no chance
or failure, or pathway
to finding the road

Where to Have Faith

Where’s the fun in being obedient?
This is right. That is wrong.
Who’s to really decide? God? The Universe?
Why not find a nice middle ground
where you can do both right and wrong
but not be judged but loved either way?

Because, when it comes down to it,
we are all doing our goddamned best.
We all make choices.
Some are wonderful and help the world.
Let’s face it… some are admittedly stupid
yet we can learn from them–
but that doesn’t mean we have to condemn
those actions that teach us the most.

We shouldn’t have to be forgiven
for our mistakes–we are human.
Those apologies are mostly to ourselves
and if I fall to saying sorry to myself
that would mean I regret what I do.
Fuck regret.
Why dwell so harshly on the past?
Why not embrace it all–
every last depressing, degrading and delicious
moment that makes us who we are?
Then we can move forward
with new knowledge, sometimes new strength,
to never forget but take it in stride.

So where’s the point in being obedient,
having faith where you disagree?
Why not have faith in ourselves,
that we can make it through anything
so long as we believe in own abilities
to make decisions based on experiences?
Have faith in family and friends,
the people you love and who love you.
They can help you too…
You never have to go it alone.
Just look over your shoulder
and at least one will be there for you.

My belief is that mankind is inherently good,
no matter color, attractions, beliefs or background.
My belief is that we all have a right to be free,
an innate right to be able to choose
the roads we may face, which signs to follow
and what part of the sky we want to fly to.

Have faith in yourself, because at the end of the day, that’s the faith that can matter most. 

#FWF ~ What is freedom?

What is freedom?
Is it just a right ordained by the government?
Is it a basic human need?
Physical? Emotional? Mental?
Is it internal or external?
Is freedom a state of mind or a state of being?
Does freedom stand or can it crumble?
Can freedom fill a void or simply embody an endless expanse?

From what I know about freedom, this is all that I can say about it:

Freedom may be a right but it is also a choice.


That Harsh Reality

It is a feeling I know well–
Like I should be doing more
To pursue certain aspirations.
Watching my good friend,
Sitting in front of a crowd
And strumming and singing away
Always inspires me…
Makes me want to rush home,
Press or pluck a tune
Or pen some lyrics
But then there’s that stupid reality
That says dreams like mine,
Performing for the world,
Happen once in a blue moon
And only if circumstances are right.
It’s kind of a harsh reality
But I guess it’s better to realize
It all now and pursue a living
While I pursue my passion
On the side whenever I can.
If only there were time to do it all…