Where to Have Faith

Where’s the fun in being obedient?
This is right. That is wrong.
Who’s to really decide? God? The Universe?
Why not find a nice middle ground
where you can do both right and wrong
but not be judged but loved either way?

Because, when it comes down to it,
we are all doing our goddamned best.
We all make choices.
Some are wonderful and help the world.
Let’s face it… some are admittedly stupid
yet we can learn from them–
but that doesn’t mean we have to condemn
those actions that teach us the most.

We shouldn’t have to be forgiven
for our mistakes–we are human.
Those apologies are mostly to ourselves
and if I fall to saying sorry to myself
that would mean I regret what I do.
Fuck regret.
Why dwell so harshly on the past?
Why not embrace it all–
every last depressing, degrading and delicious
moment that makes us who we are?
Then we can move forward
with new knowledge, sometimes new strength,
to never forget but take it in stride.

So where’s the point in being obedient,
having faith where you disagree?
Why not have faith in ourselves,
that we can make it through anything
so long as we believe in own abilities
to make decisions based on experiences?
Have faith in family and friends,
the people you love and who love you.
They can help you too…
You never have to go it alone.
Just look over your shoulder
and at least one will be there for you.

My belief is that mankind is inherently good,
no matter color, attractions, beliefs or background.
My belief is that we all have a right to be free,
an innate right to be able to choose
the roads we may face, which signs to follow
and what part of the sky we want to fly to.

Have faith in yourself, because at the end of the day, that’s the faith that can matter most.